ssd question bank

Explain the laws of thought approach to think rationally and describe the rational agent approach to act rationally.

Write a PEAS description of the task environment for Part Picking Robot

Draw and explain the architecture of Simple Reflex Agent.

What are intelligent agents? Describe typical architecture of agent.

Explain the component of learning agent?

Give initial state, goal state, successor function, and cost function for the following and solve the problem using hill climbing:
“You are given 3 jugs measuring 12 liters, 8 liters, 3liters and water tap. You can fill the jugs of empty them from one to another or on the ground. The goal is measure exactly 1 liter water.”

Explain A* search algorithm.

Define problem formulation?Describe the compnents of problem.

Evaluate depth first search for completeness, space complexity, time complexity, path cost.

What is alpha beta pruning? Explain with example.

Define CSP with  example.

Evaluate uniform cost search for completeness, space complexity, time complexity, path cost.

What is Prepositional logic? Explain with example.  

What is Forward and Backward reasoning with example.

Explain the procedure for converting the first order logic sentences to conjunctive normal form for the following sentences.
  1. Jack owns a dog.
  2. Every dog owner is an animal lover.
  3. No animal lover kills an animal.
  4. Either jack or curiosity killed the cat, who is named tune.

Explain  the basic representation language of classical planner.

What is Ontology? Explain with example.

Explain the procedure for converting the first order logic sentences to conjunctive normal form for the following sentences.
  1. There is a bunny who is cute.
  2. Elder gods do not like hello kitty.
  3. Sister in law(Your Spouse’s sister)
  4. There is only on Elvis.


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